A CAM contact from Malawi met Namelango sitting outside his tiny mud hut with a worn stick in his hand. This elderly man cannot walk or crawl, so he scoots on the ground to get from one place to another. Namelango lives alone and relies on relatives to bring him food and water.
Our contact used funds from Project Good Samaritan to buy food, a change of clean clothes, soap, and roofing plastic for Namelango. “He had such a twinkle in his eye,” she said, “and a show of thankfulness for the things that were given him.”
On a later visit, when our contact learned that he hadn’t eaten all day although it was 3:30 in the afternoon, she gave him some instant cereal. She plans to periodically visit Namelango and bring him needed items.
Project Good Samaritan funds enable our staff and contacts in various countries to respond to unique needs or emergency situations they encounter. This includes providing hearing aids, paying for cancer treatments, covering funeral expenses, supplying roofing material, and more. Supporters, God bless you for being “Good Samaritans” to people across the world!
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