Years of war and corruption brought widespread poverty to South Sudan, making it one of the poorest countries in the world. Survival is a daily struggle for most Sudanese who live on $1.00 or less per day. The extreme poverty hinders the spread of Bibles and Christian literature, causing a spiritual famine in South Sudan.
“Many people simply don’t have Bibles, even pastors and leaders,” reports a CAM contact. Little knowledge or understanding of God’s Word has created a host of strongholds, such as superstition, pagan practices, and witchcraft.
“The fields . . . are white already to harvest”
Six years ago, CAM sent Bibles and Bible story books to South Sudan for the first time. We repeatedly witness the immense need for these items in remote areas where the Gospel has never been shared. The few Bible materials available makes South Sudan comparable to a closed and restricted country. But unlike many closed and restricted countries, CAM has a wide-open door to bring Bibles and Bible story books into this land. “The fields . . . are white already to harvest.” (John 4:35b)
Bibles are in high demand and a treasure for those who are able to read. But our contacts encounter throngs of people in remote areas who never learned to read. They look for creative ways to share the Gospel in these areas. CAM’s Bible story books fill a vital role for these people. The illustrations in the books along with oral storytelling present a clear picture of the Gospel. This resonates with South Sudanese since they are accustomed to learning through stories. Villagers crowd around as believers show pictures from the Bible story books and share stories from God’s Word. God is using this method to draw people into His kingdom.
“Because of the training, God has visited our land”
One of the best ways to reach this nation with God’s Word is through followers of Jesus who are familiar with the culture and are able to speak the language. This country has sixty-eight tribal languages, which makes it difficult for a foreigner to communicate.
Our contacts organize training sessions for national leaders to effectively share Bible stories to reach their own people with the Gospel. These trainings help leaders, many who are not able to read, memorize Bible stories and learn how to present God’s Word to those who are unable to read the Bible for themselves.
One training attendee showed dedication by riding a bike for two hours to the training sessions morning and evening for six days. “Because of the training, God has visited our land,” this attendee declared.
Another avenue of sharing God’s Word with a largely illiterate village is through audio Bibles. A CAM contact reported that in many cases, everyone in a village gathers around to listen to the Bible together.
Pray for our teachers and contacts in South Sudan, that God would protect them in this difficult work that sometimes puts them in danger. The enemy fights against their effort to break through strongholds and bring souls into the kingdom of God. Pray that God’s Word will deliver South Sudanese who have been bound by fear and superstition.
If you wish to help with the spiritual famine in South Sudan, your support will be a tremendous blessing. Our projected multi-year budget for this project is $950,000. God bless you!