Christian Aid Ministries works with numerous organizations and contacts in Ukraine who provide relief for people affected by the war. One of our contacts recently reported on the work they accomplished with the funds from CAM. Below are excerpts from their report that brought hope amid destruction and death in Ukraine.
As the war persists, we continue to see overwhelming devastation and death in Ukraine. Families tragically lost their homes, well-being, and lives. They were forced to leave with only a few things in a small suitcase. Sometimes they only had the clothes on their backs. Others survived by drinking water from the radiator in the house. Food and medicine are scarce and many are wondering where the next meal might come from.
By God’s grace and provision, there is another side to the story. Faithful pastors and church members in Ukraine courageously minister to those in their community and those displaced by intense fighting. Some even to the point of wearing bulletproof vests to deliver food amid gunfire. Others drove families to safety in bullet-ridden cars!
Your support makes a difference
Thanks to your most generous gift, food packages and medicine are distributed in many cities, towns, and even to the most remote villages.
This care has opened doors to share the Gospel to many people who previously would never have walked into a church.
Your most generous gift helped to provide 141,120 meals and 3,200 food packs to 2,076 families in both Ukraine and Russia. Twenty percent of the funds were used for gas, hygiene items, and medicine.
Even greater than the physical need, God’s Word has been shared to those in need of His comfort, peace, and salvation. Thank you from all of us who see the fruit of God’s hand on a daily basis
Below are testimonies from recipients and people delivering the aid:
Hundreds of people receive aid
“Hundreds of people received food packages or were served fresh food prepared by our teams. All of these people received not only physical but also spiritual food and there were many who repented.
Now God opens the hearts of unbelievers in a special way, and it is a good soil for sowing the Word of God!”
Care for children with disabilities
“Thankfully we were able to hold an event and distribute 110 adult kits and 140 children’s sets. The kits included food, hygiene products, sweets, and a toy for each [disabled] child.
The children were able to sing, have fun, hear God’s Word, and feel His love. The special needs children… are very sensitive to the changes that are taking place now, and this was a great blessing for them and their families.”
God’s protection
“When we arrived in the settlement, we got under fire from the enemy… Along the way we saw burnt houses and cars; people did not know where to flee. And when the shelling stopped, I returned to my car. Praise the Lord for saving our lives!”
Finding salvation through the ministry of aid
“Just as the Philippians were a blessing to the Apostle Paul in his spreading the Gospel, so you have become “American Philippians” to us. We greatly appreciate your participation in helping us spread the Gospel in our country.
Thanks to your help, we purchased and distributed many grocery package. When we hand out food packages we always try to preach the Gospel to people and invite them to our Bible studies. Now there is a group of up to 30 people who come to our Bible studies every day.”
Ukraine refugee testimony
“Our family fled from Gorlovka city under bullets and explosions. Now our family is in a camp for refugees. Kind people help us with clothing, food, and medication. They gave us a New Testament, which we read together as a family. God helps us a lot.”
Refugees request vegetables
“At our last stop before returning we met about 50 people who are living in the basement of an apartment building. We gave them all the food we had left. They asked us if we could bring them some vegetables next time. They said they hadn’t eaten anything like that in a long time. Many thanks to all those involved in this ministry, who support us and the people who have been affected by the hostilities.”