Monthly Sponsorship, Christian Aid Ministries, Egypt Sponsor A Child
EGYPT-SPONSOR-A-CHILD enables children from needy Coptic Christian homes to learn how to read and write.

Monthly sponsorship

Our growing list of over 20,000 monthly sponsorships enables us to respond to more needs around the world. Monthly sponsorships are extremely valuable to CAM. This dependable base of support helps us plan ahead.

Any of CAM’s 50+ programs can become your personal monthly sponsorship.

• Personalized and organized giving every month.
• Dependable support that enables CAM to plan ahead.
• An answer to prayer for widows, orphans, and other needy people around the world!

A personalized way to help the needy around the world.

Salt Microfinances, Christian Aid Ministries
SALT MICROFINANCE SOLUTIONS helps people use their skills and resources to provide for their families.
Monthly Sponsorship, Christian Aid Ministries, Food Parcels For Syrian Refugees
FOOD PARCELS FOR SYRIAN REFUGEES provides food parcels for
needy refugees from war-torn Syria.
Monthly Sponsorship, Christian Aid Ministries, Bibles For The World
BIBLES-FOR-THE-WORLD distributes Bibles, Bible story books, and Bible teaching
material to millions of recipients each year.
Monthly Sponsorship, Christian Aid Ministries, Adopt A Billboard
ADOPT-A-BILLBOARD spreads God’s truth throughout the United States
through Gospel billboards.