In November, a Christian worker who helps distribute funds for Warm-A-Family in Romania shared, “Never in the years I have worked here have I seen the number of tears and . . . gratitude I have seen this year.”
While winter makes us think of fuzzy blankets and walks in the snow followed by steaming cups of cocoa, many poverty-stricken people wonder how they will survive. Romania, Ukraine, and Moldova can experience bitter cold for up to seven months. The cost of living in these countries is high, and heating expenses drain incomes already stretched from providing other necessities.
Ionel and Viorica have seven children to feed and clothe. To warm his mud-walled house during the Romanian winter, Ionel used to make long trips on foot, carrying heavy branches on his back. CAM funds now provided a horse for Ionel, which helps with this task. Before, it would have cost him an entire day’s wage to get a small wagonload of branches hauled from the forest to his house.
Our supporters make it possible to lighten the load for struggling people in Eastern Europe and other places. By providing funds for firewood, coal, stoves, heating utilities, or other items through the Warm-A-Family program, you help bring tears of joy and relief.