As the India COVID crisis rages on in India, fear, hunger, and death are day and night companions to thousands. With loved ones dying without help and few jobs available due to lockdowns, life for them looks grim.
Here are some recent comments from our contacts who work in India:
“The situation in India is far worse than even what the news is reporting. We are grateful for all your prayers and help!”
“We are providing basic food and other needs as much as we can, but the need is beyond what words can explain.”
“The second wave of COVID-19 is disrupting life all across India . . . Just two days ago a few women came by . . . asking for plastic or cardboard scraps that they could sell so they would have enough money to buy food for the day. We asked them questions about how they were doing during the second wave of COVID. It was heartbreaking to learn that with the current lockdowns, their entire family had survived the past weekend just by drinking water. Thankfully we had some leftover food from a distribution that we could share with them.
CAM continues to process requests for help from India. Almost all these requests include a plea for food. The gift of food is an unspeakable gift of hope in a dark and dreadful time. To know that people care about their situation blesses them beyond words. Thank you, supporters, for enabling us to reach out to those in need.